Home Acteurs Suraj Pancholi gearresteerd

Suraj Pancholi gearresteerd

SurajPancholiSuraj Pancholi, de 21-jarige zoon van acteur Aditya Pancholi, is gearresteerd. De brief die Jiah Khan heeft achtergelaten en een klacht van haar moeder hebben de jonge acteur opnieuw in de problemen gebracht.

Uit de brief worden details van deze moeilijke, zware relatie onthuld. Volgens de politie was Suraj de laatste persoon die Jiah aan de telefoon had vlak voordat ze zichzelf ophing.

De politie nog altijd bezig met het analyseren van het handschrift en de inhoud van de brief voordat ze verdere stappen kunnen ondernemen.

Na de dood van de 25-jarige actrice zowel vader als zoon Pancholi ondervraagd, maar dit keer wordt gemeld dat Suraj weleens kan worden vastgehouden vanwege medeplichtigheid aan zelfmoord.

Het lijkt erop dat de carrière van deze acteur wellicht al is beëindigd voordat het ooit is begonnen.


  1. ik hoop dat hij 7 jaar in de jail belandt. ik vind het echt raar van jiah dat ze voor zo’n jongen zelfmoord gepleegd.ze is 10000 beter dan deze vampier. ik heb de brief van jiah gelezen en ik vond het echt zielig voor haar RIP jiah

  2. hee kan je die brief van
    jiah sturen naar me e-mail
    ik ben een beetje nieuwsgierig maar als je het niet hebt maakt niks uit hoor

  3. … het was zelfmoord…het is vreselijk wat hij haar heeft aangedaan, maar uit eindelijk is zij die zichzelf van kant heeft gemaakt…
    Ze was nog zo jong om te beseffen dat het leven meer heeft dan een man of vrouw in je leven… en dan de dierbaren DIE WEL om haar geven heeft ze zo achtergelaten…in intense verdriet en vragen en ongeloof.. verschrikkelijk…

  4. ik weet niet wat er in die brief stond, maar hij heeft haar niet vermoord, zij heeft er zelf voor gekozen! Ik snap sowieso niet hoe ze dit kon doen zonder aan haar familie te denken die ze heeft achtergelaten met zo veel pijn. Echt zonde van zo’n jong meid.

  5. “I don’t know how to say this to you but I might as well now as I have nothing to lose. I’ve already lost everything. If you’re reading this I might have already left or about to leave. I am broken inside. You may not have known this but you affected me deeply to a point where I lost myself in loving you. Yet you tortured me everyday. These days I see no light I wake up not wanting to wake up.

    There was a time I saw my life with you, a future with you. But you shattered my dreams. I feel dead inside. I’ve never given so much of myself to someone or cared so much. You returned my love with cheating and lies. It didn’t matter how many gifts I gave you or how beautiful I looked for you. I was scared of getting pregnant but I gave myself completely the pain you have caused me everyday has destroyed every bit of me, destroyed my soul. I can’t eat or sleep or think or function. I am running away from everything. The career is not even worth it anymore.

    When I first met you I was driven, ambitious and disciplined. Then I fell for you, a love I thought would bring out the best in me. I don’t know why destiny brought us together. After all the pain, the rape, the abuse, the torture I have seen previously I didn’t deserve this. I didn’t see any love or commitment from you. I just became increasingly scared that you would hurt me mentally or physically. Your life was about partying and women. Mine was you and my work. If I stay here I will crave you and miss you. So I am kissing my 10-year career and dreams goodbye. I never told you but I received a message about you. About you cheating on me. I chose to ignore it, decided to trust you. You embarrassed me. I never went out, I never went with anyone else. I am a loyal person. I never met anyone with Karthik I just wanted you to feel how you make me feel constantly. No other woman will give you as much as I did or love you as much as I did. I can write that in my blood.

    Things were looking up for me here, but is it worth it when you constantly feel the pain of heartbreak when the person you love wants to abuse you or threatens to hit you or cheats on you telling other girls they are beautiful or throws you out of their house when you have no where to go and you’ve come to them out of love or when they lie to your face or they make you chase after them in their car. Or disrespects their family. You never even met my sister. I bought your sister presents. You tore my soul. I have no reason to breathe anymore. All I wanted was love. I did everything for you. I was working for us. But you were never my partner. My future is destroyed my happiness snatched away from me. I always wished the best for you, was ready to invest what little money I had in your betterment. You never appreciated my love, Kicked me in the face. I have no confidence or self esteem left, whatever talent whatever ambition you took it all away. You destroyed my life. It hurt me so much that I waited for you for ten days and you didn’t bother buying me something.

    The Goa trip was my birthday present but even after you cheated I still spent on you. I aborted our baby when it hurt me deeply. You destroyed my Christmas and my birthday dinner when I came back. When I tried my hardest to make your birthday special. You chose to be away from me on Valentines Day. You promised me once we made it to one year we would get engaged.

    All you want in life is partying, your women and your selfish motives. All I wanted was you and my happiness you took both away from me. I spent money on you selflessly you would throw in my face. When I would cry for you. I have nothing left in this world to live for after this. I wish you had loved me like I loved you. I dreamt of our future. I dreamt of our success. I leave this place with nothing but broken dreams and empty promises. All I want now is to go to sleep and never wake up again. I am nothing. I had everything. I felt so alone even while with you. You made me feel alone and vulnerable. I am so much more than this.”


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