De Amsterdam ArenA is helemaal klaar voor de IIFA “Bollywood” Awards. Het belooft een spektakel te worden getuige de mooie foto die exclusief op Bollywood.NL te zien is. Het decor is helemaal af en dit krijgen bezoekers vanavond te zien in de Amsterdam ArenA:
Tijdens dit gala zijn vooral grote Indiase filmsterren te gast. Maar ook illusionist Hans Klok treedt vanavond op. De organisatie kwam per toeval bij de Hollandse illusionist terecht, nadat ze via via een DVD van hem hadden gekregen.
Wauw !!! Podium Is mooi !!!!
ze moesten het uitzenden want wij mensen nederland hebben er recht op om het te zien op te tv
helemaal gelijk…komt het eigenlijk nog wel op tv?
ik vind het niet eerlijk hoor,had me erg verheugd om op tv te zien.zo’n grote fantastische show wordt er in nederland gehouden en dat kunnen we niet eens live zien,terwijl amerikaanse shows wel uitgezonden worden en ook wel LIVE!
That place rocks best stage in the world!!!!
Good Job IIFA!!!!!!!!
The stage is awesome.Its a pity there was not much
shown on the Dutch television about the IIFA awards.Who knows maybe next time !
I dont thinks so that it will happening again in holland. This was an flop for the iifa
If holland had support more on tv maybe it was an great show. but anyway im happy that i didnt buy an ticket to watch this.
Hey sss,
you are reading my mind!!!!!!!!!!!
Why would the Dutch television broadcast the show? They would get into a shock by the colourfull set and all those beautiful people. The Dutch are coulerless. Sort of speaking” they haven`t eat`n any cheese of it”
you’re right, sharmila, they had never seen an indian show, and that like this??
what they only likes are stupid jokes or just lying naked on the beach….that they only wants
Sharmila i know i can read everyones mind hahahha.
Well guys,
The dutch are not that bad.I agree that they don’t know much beyond Frans bauer and Rene Froger but if it was not for the Dutch-land we would not have been able to see our favourite actors and actresses!
Ps- i do agree to the stupid jokes and lying naked on the beach(it is ridiculous)
and can u explain me what they r showing in indian movies ???? it’s getting the same like dutch people, lying naked on the beach.
….Wanneer komen de IIFA Awards 2005 op T.V.. en welke kanaal??????????????… Plz geef antwoord
Hey indian news,
Well they are not like the dutch just lying naked but also getting wet and showing all the form of them body (hahhaha).
a.s. zondag op 3 juli om 14.00 uur word IIFa een uurtje uitgezonden bij OHM.
Beetje belachelijk dat geen ned. zender dit, live, heeft uitgezonden.
SSS & Sharmila,
I think that you are all talking nonsense, the Dutch PR did tried there best to promote IIFA. But the tickets were too expensive, otherwise more people would have come to see the show! But tell me way should they show this IIFA Award Show live?? They already broadcasted one hour of the show! And also one thing Dutch people are not colourless! They have a style of living, and that doesn’t mean that you have to talk so negative. If they were really that colourless they would not agree at all that IIFA would take place in Holland!! Please keep that in your mind.The IIFA was a big hit, even though not much people came. Everybody has the right to say what they feel like. But I think that if you are somewhere in a diffrent place, city of country, and you are somebodies guest you have to be thankfull!! This is a real Indian tradition to be thankfull and greatfull!! And sorry Sharmila, you can not read everybodies MIND!!
nou jah zo zijn nederlanders natuurlijk